13 Halloween Movie Recommendations by Paranormal Romance Authors
Updated: Sep 10, 2022
In this guest blog by Carrie Pulkinen, 13 Paranormal Romance authors share their all-time favourite films to watch at Halloween.

It's the most wonderful time of the year!
No, I'm not talking about Christmas, silly. It's Halloween time! When the things that go bump in the night bump a little bit harder. When ghosts, ghouls, vampires, and werewolves come out to play. When the scent of pumpkin spice fills the air and the great debate over whether candy corn can actually be considered candy (or edible) persists.
And, of course, the best part about Halloween time is... THE MOVIES! From sweet to funny to gory to spine-chilling, there's a Halloween movie for every taste imaginable.
So, grab your latte or a mug of spiced cider and join us as my fellow paranormal romance authors and I discuss our all-time favourite Halloween movies!
Question: What's your all-time favourite Halloween movie and why?
Hocus Pocus has to my favourite go-to Halloween movie. I am a big Disney fan and everything about this movie was done perfectly. Bette Midler makes an incredible bad Witch and her sisters are just hysterical especially when they sing “I put a spell on you”. I watch this every year with my kids and it never gets old. ~C.D Gorri, author of The Macconwood Pack Novels & Tales
My favourite Halloween movie is Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School. I watch it every year with my husband. Sometimes the kids join us, but my husband and I are just big kids and Halloween is our favourite holiday. I love this movie because at first they're scared, but then they go out of their ways to help the girls. ~Catherine Banks, author of The Artemis Lupine Series
My all-time favourite Halloween movie is It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. I grew up watching this movie, and it always brings a sense of nostalgia when it's on. I still watch it every year, even though my kids aren't little anymore, and I'll keep watching it when they're grown and moved out!" ~Carrie Pulkinen, author of The New Orleans Nocturnes Series
The Addams Family (1991) is my favorite Halloween movie. I'm not a horror fan, and I was a huge Christina Ricci fan growing up. I thought the casting for this movie was fantastic, and I love the dark humour in it. ~Nicole Zoltack, author of When Vamps Bite (Bedlam in Bethlehem Book 1)
I have two! My favourite Halloween movies are Nightmare Before Christmas and Beetlejuice! These two movies are dark yet funny, interesting visually, and have excellent music soundtracks. But the thing I love the most about them is the sense of innocence evident in both. The cartoonish, over-the-top characters and the childish feel of both stories capture the feeling of Halloween perfectly for me. ~Corinne O'Flynn, author of Academy of Supernatural Felons (series)
My favourite Halloween movie is Practical Magic. While trick or treating might be on hold this year because of the pandemic, the spirit of Halloween (wink, wink! ) can definitely be found in this movie. I have little stomach for horror, but as the author of paranormal romance my two favourite themes – romance and magic – can be found in spades in this film. I’m looking forward to yet another viewing this October! ~Beth Linton, author of The Guardians' Trust: Ana
My fave Halloween movie has to be Hocus Pocus because it reminds me of dressing up with my kids for Halloween. My kids are grown up now but we still watch the movie every year! ~Abbey MacMunn, author of Love Bites: A Dating Agency for Paranormals series
Corpse Bride is my favorite Halloween movie. I love the animation style, and the undeniably sweet aspect of a story that is really kind of dark. The main character is Victor, who has been put into an arranged marriage with Victoria. He is nervous about the wedding and while rehearsing his vows alone in the woods, he places the ring on a tree branch which turns into the hand of Emily, from the land of the dead. It's a fun story, and it's made by Tim Burton, which guarantees amazing visuals and music. ~Fiona Starr, author of Society of Ancient Magic (series)
The Paul Lynde Halloween Special is my favourite Halloween movie (if it can be called that). If you haven't yet seen this masterpiece of 70s camp, you can find it on Youtube in all its disco themed glory. It has children's television characters like Witchiepoo and Margret Hamilton as The Wicket Witch, Kiss (yes, that band), a comedy sketch with truckers and Tim Conway, Betty White, Hollywood stars, sitcom actors you only know from that one show, disco, some serious singing and dancing numbers, and rhinestones galore. Donny and Marie even made an appearance! At any given moment, you'll ask yourself why you are watching it, but you won't be able to turn away from it. It's brilliant and horrible and great, all at the same time. ~Jules Crisare, author of Broken Peak Pack
Just about any vampire movie. Interview With a Vampire is a favourite. I love the bond and love shared between them. That's what I like to write mostly. Another one that comes to mind is American Werewolf in London. I liked the graphics and the way they showed him changing. When I write my shifters, I always think back to that. ~Susan Griscom, author of the Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Series
My favourite Halloween movie is, hands down, The Addams Family. Oh my goodness, everything about this movie is perfect. The relationship between Morticia and Gomez. The character personalities. Especially Wednesday and Morticia. Gomez, a strong and emotionally available man who openly adores his family. The funny; good Lord, this movie cracks me up every time I see it and I've seen it approximately a million times. This movie embodies the type of book I strive to write. And now, I think I need to go watch it... again. ~Tami Lund, author of Mirror, Mirror, which, yes, is a funny Halloween romance!
Warm Bodies - Actual scary movies scare the poop out of me, except for some reason, not zombies. They are the one movie monster I've convinced myself isn't real. Plus, you know, this one is a romance! ~Aidy Award, author of the Black Dragon Brotherhood Series

My favourite Halloween movie is almost a tie between Practical Magic and Trick or Treat. But If I had to pick just one I guess I would choose Practical Magic. I’ve been watching it every year for a long time and I can pretty much quote just about every scene in it now. Witches are in my top 3 paranormal characters and when you add in the romantic element, I’m in. All in! Plus Midnight Margaritas!! Duh. ~Eliza Gayle, author of Southern Shifters World
Have a wonderful Halloween!
